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ÀÏÃø¼º Á¤·ù°íȯ¿¡¼­ °íȯ°íÁ¤¼úÈÄ °íȯÀÇ ¼ºÀå ¹× ¼ö¼ú¼ºÀû Testicular Growth and Operative Results after Orchiopexy in Unilateral Cryptorchidism

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 37±Ç 4È£ p.414 ~ 425
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To know testicular growth and operative results after orchiopexy in uilasteral cryptorchidism a retrospective study was performed on 56 patients at least 8 months after orchiopexy due to unilateral cryptorchidism by palpation of testis,
operation scar, evaluating testis volume using Prader orchidometer, orchidometer, and interviewing with the patients and their partents about previous undescended testis. Their medical records were also reviewed. Patients' mean age at orchiopexy
was 6
years and 8 months. Mean duration after orchiopexy was 3 years and 7 months at the time of followup. Inguinal orchiopexy was performed in all patients exept one. Operative success was deifined as scrotal position of previous undescended testis
atrophy. Testis volume ratio was defined as T2/T1(T1=volume of previous undescended testis, T2=volume of contralateral descended testis).
Mean testicular volume was 3.66¡¾3.12ml in previous undesended testis and 5.11¡¾5.42ml in contralaterdal descednded testis, resprectively(p>0.05). In patients with public hair mean testicular volume was 8.76¡¾2.30ml in previous undescended testis
13.5¡¾4.80ml in contralateral descended testis, respectively(p<0.01). Testis volume ratio had mosderate correlation with age at orchiopexy and age at followup(r=0.44, 0.46, respectively). Operative success rate was 88%. Of 47 partents who
accompanied by
patients 32 were satisfied, 7 were intermediate, 8 were unsatisfied with previous underscended testis associated with size, position, and/or consistency. Inguinal operation scar was cosmedtically better in transverse skin incision than in oblique
moderate correlation of testis volume ratio with age at orchiopexy might suggest that early orchiopexy enhances catch-up growth of previous undescended testis. Moderated correlation of testis ovlume ratio with age at followup and signitficant
of meantesticular volume between previous undescended testis and contralateral undescended testis in patients with public hairs, might imply that growth of previous undescended testis become retarded comparing to that of contralateral descended
at puberty which is critical period for testicular growth. These should be confirmed via prospective long-term studies which include early orchiopexy and more accurate measurement of testis svolume using ultrasonography. Appropriate surgical
of crytorchidism needs various orchiopexy techniques and proper selection of surgical options including orchiectomy.


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