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³×°¡Áö º¹Çվ๰ÀÇ À½°æ³» ÁÖÀÔÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ¹ß±âºÎÀüÀÇ Ä¡·á Intracavernosal Injection for Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction using Four-Mix Drugs

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 37±Ç 4È£ p.464 ~ 469
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@EN we evaluated the erectile response to intracavernousal injection of a combination of papaverine, phentolamine, prostaglandin E1, and verapamil (Four-Mix). A verapamil may attenuated fibrosis in the penile corpus cavernosum during the
injection therapy.
@ES Materials and Megthod:
@EN We undertook an assessment of the time of rigid erection, rigidity of 26 patients after intracavernosal injection. All patients had only vasculogenic erectile dysfunction. We compared pH of the drugs. All patients were performed alternative
injection (initial-Tri-Mix, second-Four-Mix, third-Tiri-Mix, fourth-Four-mix) of 0.3 ml once a week, over 4 weeks. We compared erectile responses to Four-Mix with Tri-Mix using by rigidity, tmescence, and erecting time. The grade of iigidity was
determined by palpation and inspection of the penis according to a scale from 1 to 4 (1-parital tumescence, 2-full tumescence, 2.5- between 2 and 3, 3-incomplete rigidity, 3.5- between 2 and 4, 4-full rigidity).
@ES Results:
@EN mean value of rigidity and erecting time to the first intracavernosal injection of Tri-Mix was 3, 107 min, respectively. mean value of rigidity and erecting time to the second intracavernosal injection of Four-Mix was 3.52, 121 min,
mean value of rigidity and erecting time to the third intracavernosal injection of Tri-Mix was 3.52, 138 min, respectively. mean value of rigidity and erecting time to the fourth intracavernosal injection of Four-Mix was 3.77, 113 min,
respectively. The
rigidity to Four-Mix injected was better than Tri-Mix (P<0.05). The erecting time was linger in Tri-Mix than Four-Mix. There were 7 cases of priapism, 4 of them were occurred using by Tri-Mix and 3 of them were occurred dusing by Four-Mix.
@ES Conclusion:
@EN The degree of erection achieved was better with Four-Mix than with Tri-mix. The erecting time to Four-Mix injected was shorter than Tri-Mix, althlough the incidence of prolonged erections (greater than 5 hours) was similar with both


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