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ÇϺοä°ü°á¼®ÀÇ Ä¡·á °æÇè Clinical Experience of the Lower Ureteral Stones

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 37±Ç 6È£ p.683 ~ 688
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Several therapeutic methods, expectant mangement, endourology and ESWL can be used in the treatment of ureteral calculi. In a redtrospective analuysisd during da 3-year period, 96 patients showed spontaneous passage of stones. 164 patients
endourologic procedures and 168 who underwent ESWL with a Wolf Piezolith 2300 were analysed as to the success rate in stone removal,. Complication rate, anesthkesia and hospitalization. The mean stone size was 5mm in the expectiant management
6mjm in endourology and ESWL groups. 11mm was the mean size in the surgical group. Complete removal of all stone freagments was achieved in 52.5% of the dexpectant managed patients.
The overall success rate were comparable with three modalities which were 94.5% in endourology and 91.4% in ESWL and 100% in ureterolithotomy.
The group treated enodourological had a better surccess rate but no significant difference to ESWL group. On the other hand, the dgroup terated with ESWL had a shorter dhospitalization, ower complication rate, no need kfor anesthesia.
These observations showed that in situ ESWL provides a optimal first line therapy for distal ureteral caslculi larger than 5mm, while ureteroscopy is better reserved as a salvage procedure should ESWL fail.


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