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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 37±Ç 7È£ p.739 ~ 746
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Capacitiation of human sperm is essential for fertilization and is characterized visually by hyperactivated motility. There is a controversy whether reactive oxygen radicals cause infertility or stimulate sperm-zona interaction. We investigated
exact role of reactive oxygen radicals on hyperactivation (HA) of human sperm which could be a part of the capacitation process. Hyperactivation of human sperm was compared to the Ham's F-10 controls by the addition of superoxidde aniton and
peroxide generating enzymes on the percoll treated sperms. The mon ility parameters of human sperms wer eestimated by computer assisted semen analysis system.
The adition of xanthine+xanthine oxidase+catalase (generating system of superoxide anion and removal of hydrogen peroxide) on the spermm induced levels of HA (10.5% at 2 hour,d 11.3% at 5 hour) which were about 2 times higher than theose of
(HA: 5.4% at 2 hour, 5.6% at 5 hour). The addition of glucose+glucose oxidase (generation of hydrogen peroxide) decreased the lelvels of HA (0.0% at 2 and 5 hour) significantly. Superoxide dismutase, the scavenger of superoxide anion inhilbited
significantly, wheras catalase, the scavenger of hyudrogen peroxide promoted HA significantly.
These result suggest that the reactive oxygen radicals may be involved in hyperactivation of human sperms by the way that superoxide anion promotes and hydrogen peroxide imhibits hyperactivation of the fertile human sperms. It may be very
the process of fertilization that promotion or inhibition of hyperactivation occurs at the proper time and location of female genital organ.


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