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ÀüºÎ ¿äµµ¼Õ»ó¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¿äµµ°æÇÏ ÀÏÂ÷ ¿äµµÁ¤·Ä¼ú Endoscopically Guided Primary Urethral Realignment as a Treatment of Anterior Urthral Rupture

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 37±Ç 7È£ p.794 ~ 797
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Between Aug. 1985 and Dec. 1995, among 18 patients with trauma of anterior urethra 7 were treated by an endoscopically guided primary urethral realignment under intravenous injection of analgesics. Of the 5 partial ruptures, 3 had excellent
without stricdture from 2 months to 4 years (mean 13 months) and resulted in 23-27ml/sec maximal uroflow rate. Then 2 had focal urethral stricture, which could be easily treated with endoscopic internal urethrotomy. Before endoscopically guided
urethral realignment was done, 6 urethral ruptures without pelvic bone fracture (partial rupture 3 cases, complete rupture 3 cases) were perormed suprapubic cystostomy and urethroplasty stepwise. We experienced urethral stricture in 6 cases, then
performed endoscopic internal urethrotomy and urethroplasty. 4 cases of urethral rupture with pelvic bone fracture (partial rupture 1 case, complete rupture 3 cases) were performed suprapubic cystostomy and primary urethroplasty, then there were
urethral stricture in all 4 cases. This method offers simpler and more effective than conventional methods without pelvic bone frature under intravenous injection of analgesics.


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