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³²¼ººÒÀÓ: ÃÖ±Ù 10³â°£ÀÇ ÀÓ»óÅë°èÇÐÀû ºÐ¼® Male Infertility: The Clinicostatistical Analysis of Recent 10 Years Cumulatie Data

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 37±Ç 8È£ p.939 ~ 946
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A clinicostastistical analysis of 683 males with infertiity who visited the Pusan national University Hospital between January 1986 and December 1995 was performed. We divided the patients into 5 groups by Shirataki classification as follows,
I,sperm concentraiton above 20¡¿10E6/ml, group II,oligozoospermia with a sperm concentration above 10¡¿10E6/ml, but below 20¡¿10E6/ml, group III,oligozoospermia with a sperm concentration below 10¡¿10E6/ml, group IV, primary azoospermia, group
V,obstructive azoospermia. The mean age was 33.1 years. The mean duration of infertility was 48.2 months. The frequency in each groups were group IV 383 cases (56.1%), group III 127 cases (18.6%), group I 111 cases (16.3%), group II cases (5.4%),
cases group V 25 cases (3.7%), respectively. Except groupV, as decreasing the sperm density, testicular volume tended to reduce p<0.01). The semen volume in group V was significantly less than that in other groups (p<0l.05). As sperm density
the sperm motility tended to reduce (p<0.05) . The lovels of serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicular stimulating houmone (FSH0 in group IV were significantly the higher than other groups (p<0.05). As for serum prolactin and testosterone,
were no significant differences between each 5 group. Of etiologic factors of male infertility, idiopathic was the most common cause with 489 cases (71.6%), and followed by tvaricocele 71 cases (10.4%), seminal tract obstruction 44 cases (6.4%),
chromosome abnormality 30 cases (4.4%), infection 20 cases (2.9%), testicular trauma 13 cases (1.9%), cryptorchidism 10 cases (1.5%), hyperprolactinemia 4 cases (0.6%) and retrograde ejaculation 2 cases (0.3%) A total of 391 cases had a
male infertility which consisted of medical treatments 291 cases (74.4%), surgical treatments 89 cases (22.8%) and assisted reproductive technologies 11 cases (2.8%).
In conclusion, We think the more clear clarification of physiology of male reproductive system, the development of new drugs for the improvement of spermatogenesis and the application of advanced assisted reproductive technique would be needed to
properly the patients with male infertility.


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