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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1996³â 37±Ç 11È£ p.1253 ~ 1259
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The number of old patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia is growing. TURP is still £¢gold standard£¢of relieving infravesical obstruction due to BPH, but the persistently high postoperative morbidity after TURP recently spurred the
development of less invasive treatment options. Laser ablation of the prostate is a relatively new surgical treatment for BPH. According to studies published to date, laser prostatectomy is a simple and effective BPH-treatment modality with a low
complication rate.
We carried out Nd: YAG laser prostatectomy under visual control (VLAP) in 57 patients with BJPH, aged 53-80 years (mean: 64.9 years0. Preoperatively, the maximal flow rate (Qmax) ranged from 6-14 ml/sec (mean: 9.5 ml/sec), the residual urine
(RUV0 was 20-300 ml (mean: 109 ml), and the I-PSS ranged from 18-28 (mean: 20.4). The prostatic volume, measured with transrectal ultrasonography, was 26-72 gm (mean: 43.3 gm). There was no significant changes of hemoglobin, hematocrit and serum
electrolytes, perioperatively. In 6 patients (10.5%), retention was developed after removal of urethal catheter at postoperative day and so urethral catheter was reinserted for 5-7 days. After 6 months, Qmax was 9-22 ml/sec (mean: 15.4 ml/sec),
0-50 ml (mean: 15 ml), the I-PSS was 4-21 (mean: 8.3), and the prostatic volume was 11.3-51.9 gm (mean: 24.9 gm). In most patients, the prostatic volume was decreased as 42.6%, and Qmax, RUV and I-PSS were improved noticeably. Transrectal
ultrasonography showed defect of bladder neck and prostatic urethra during immediated postoperative period, but normal prostatic architecture after 6 months.
In conclusion, the laser prostatectomy for BPH is considered the most promising alternative to TURP.


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