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¹æ±¤³» À̹° 14·Ê 14 Cases of Foreign Bodies in the Bladder

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 38±Ç 1È£ p.76 ~ 80
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Foreign bodies in genitourinary tract are not rare and most of them are present in the bladder. Various kinds of object are introduced into bladder through urethra by both male and female patients. Traditionally, they were introduced mainly for
purpose of sexual behavior. But recently like in our cases, many of them are inserted iatrogenically with development of endourologic procedure.
We report 14 cases of bladder foreign bodies. Some of them are surprising and beyond common sense in kind of object and aim of insertion. Six cases were inserted by iatrogenic, 5 cases for masturbation, 2 cases by independently of patient's of
intention by other person(s). One patient who had history of mental retardation did not remember when, how, why and by whom the foreign body had been introduced.
All the foreign bodies could be diagnosed by history, symptom, X-ray and cystoscopy and removed by cystoscopic manipulation or cystostomy with ease and without complication.


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