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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 38±Ç 5È£ p.479 ~ 483
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Corporal veno-occlusive function is the essential pait in the hemodynamic process of penile erection. Parameters for evaluation of the quality of the veno-occlusive mechanism are end diastolic flow velocity (EDV) and its derivative resistance
as measured by pharmacopenile duplex ultrasound which is considered as an initial screening test for the patients with vasculogenic impotence. We compared the accuracy of these parameters by investigating the correlation between the result of
sonographic study and some other studies, pharmacoerection test and dynamic infusion cavernosometry (DIC) in 45 patients who received all of these studies and were proved to have normal arterial inflow of the penis. EDV and RI values were well
correlated with maintenance flow rate values of DIC at various levels of intracavernosal pressures (50, 100 and 150 mmHg) (R=0.418-0.701 and R=0.454-0.620 respectively). Diagnostic result of duplex scanning was identical to cavernosometric result
in 80%
and pharmaco-erection response in 82%. We conclude that EDV and RI appeared to be used as good indices evaluating corporal veno-occlusive function.


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