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Although bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is common, the underlying
molecular events remain ill-defined. So we attempted to define the role of tumor
suppressor genes in the pathogenesis of bladder tumor through a molecular genetic
study. For 15 bladder TCC (6 grade ¥±, 1 grade ¥², and 8 grade ¥³), we performed the
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis for 6 loci of suspected or
established tumor suppressor regions (3p21, 3p24-25, llp15, 13q14, and 17p13).
Our data confirm that allelic losses are highly common in bladder tumors. We found
that alleles from each of the four chromosomal arms tested were lost in most of the
tumors. Reduction of allele occured at 3p21 (13%), 3p24¡­25 (50%), and 13q14 (38%).
However, the greatest frequency of allelic loss was seen for 17p 13 (100% of
informative cases) and llp15.5 (87% informative cases). Severe allelic losses of
chromosome 17p and pADJ762 on lip were seen only in grade ¥³, not in grade ¥±.
Amplification of 3p21 was seen six out of eight. Amplification of 3p21 has not been
previously observed on the other study. Addition to this, we observe the loss of H-ras
allele on 11p in one case which was associated with duplication of the retained allele as
was demonstrated in Wilms'tumors.
The results of out study suggest that deletions of pADJ762 on chromosome 11p and
17p13 occur in high grade bladder tumor and may contribute to the progression of this
disease. But, there was no apparent correlation between tumor grade and the loss of 3p
or 13q14 alleles although they had some deletions. The role of these genetic alterations
in the prognosis of bladder transitional cell carcinoma will require additional follow-up
and further studies.


Bladder tumor; Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP); Tumor suppressor genes;

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