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¼±¼º¹æ±¤¿°À» µ¿¹ÝÇÑ °ñ¹ÝÁö¹æÁ¾Áõ 1·Ê A Case of Pelvic Lipomatosis Associated with Cystitis Glandularis

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ÃÖâÈÆ/Chang Hoon Choi ½ÉÁÖ¸í/ºÎ¸í¼·/ÃÖȣö/¹Î±Ç½Ä/ÃÖ¼ºÇù/Joo Myung Sim/Myung Seop Boo/Ho Cheol Choi/Kweon Sik Min/Sung Hyup Choi


°ñ¹ÝÁö¹æÁ¾Áõ (pelvic lipomatosis)Àº Ưº°ÇÑ ¿øÀξøÀÌ °ñ¹Ý³»¿¡ ¾ç¼º Áö¹æÁ¶Á÷ÀÌ °úÁõ½ÄµÇ
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glandularis)ÀÌ µ¿¹ÝµÇ¹Ç·Î ÁÖ±âÀûÀÎ ¹æ±¤°æ °Ë»ç°¡ ÇʼöÀûÀÌ´Ù. ÀúÀÚµéÀº ¼ö³âµ¿¾È °£ÇæÀû
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Pelvic lipomatosis is a rare disease of unknown etiology characterized by overgrowth
of mature, nonmalignant fat cells in the pelvis, especially in the perivesical and perirenal
space. An overgrowth of fat surrounding the bladder and rectosigmoid colon produces a
radiologic picture characterized by 1) radiolucent pelvic densities, 2) elevation and
vertical elongation of the bladder, 3) straightening and elevation of the rectosigmoid
colon and 4) absence of malignant vessels on pelvic angiography. Cystoscopy has shown
a high incidence of cystitic changes: chronic inflammation, cystitis glandularis and
cystitis cystica. We report a case of pelvic lipomatosis associated with cystitis


Pelvic lipomatosis; Cystitis glandularis;

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