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To know the diagnostic efficacy of erectile perineal ultrasonography in stress urinary
incontinence, We compared erectile perineal ultrasonography with chain
cystourethrography in 16 women (mean age: 54 years old) with genuine stress urinary
incontinence. We measured the posterior urethrovesical angle (PUVA) at rest and during
straining in both tests. The average value of PUVA at rest state was 143.4 in chain
cystourethrography and 150.9 in perineal ultrasonography (p<0.001). During straining
state, PUVA was 172.4 in chain cystourethrography and 177.2 in perineal
ultrasonography (p<0.001). The difference between PUVAs at rest and during straining
were 29.0 in chain cystourethrography and 26.3 in perineal ultrasonography U)<0.05).
In conclusion, erectile perineal ultrasonography is non-invasive, simple, comfortable
and useful diagnostic method in stress urinary incontinence. So we think that erectile
perineal ultrasonography can replace the chain cystourethrography to diagnose the stress
urinary incontinence.


Stress urinary incontinence; Ultrasonography;

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