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Á÷¿¡¼­ ÀϾ´Â apoptosis¸¦ °üÂûÇÏ°í Ä®½· ±æÇ×Á¦ÀÎ nifedipineÅõ¿©°¡ Àü¸³¼±¿¡¼­ÀÇ
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The rapid involution of the rat ventral prostate after castration is an active process
initiated by removal of the inhibitory effects of androgen on prostatic cell death. The
degradation of genomic DNA into nucleosomal-sized fragments if an early event in this
process and is catalyzed by Ca2+Mg2+-dependent
endonuclease activity which is dependent upon calcium ions. The morphologic correlation
of the involution process involves a series of structural changes which are collectively
referred to as apoptosis.
Since the castration-induced endonuclease is dependent upon calcium ions for maximal
activity, a potential involvement of a intracellular calcium in the castration-induced
prostatic cell death was investigated. Acute disturbance in intracellular calcium
homeostasis within the ventral prostate by means of a potent calcium channel blocker,
nifedipine, simultaneous with castration resulted in a significant decrease in prostatic
apoptosis. This result points to a potential role intracellular calcium levels in the
mechanism of activation of castration-induced death of the androgen-dependent epithelial
cells in the ventral prostate.


Castration; Prostatic apoptosis; Calcium channel blocker;

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