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Androgen was thought to be linked to sexual activity in man but it did not identify
the peripheral action and its mechanism of androgen. The present study was designed to
determine the role of testosterone in the relaxation of the corpus cavernosum. Effect of
testosterone on the relaxation of rabbit corpus cavernosum was investigated from three
groups of rabbit; two groups were castrated and the third underwent a sham operation
(control). After castration, one group, received subcutaneous injection of testosterone
(testosterone propionate 10 §·/day). Strips of rabbit corpus cavernosum were isolated
and mounted in 10 §¢ organ chambers. Isometric tension measurement of acetylcholine
(Ach: 10-5M) and papaverine (10-5M) in the precontracted
cavernosal muscle strips with phenylephrine (5 ¡¿ 10-6M) were performed
in all groups; control, castration group (four sub-groups: 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks after
castration) and testosterone replacement group (four sub-groups: testosterone was given
from 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks after castration for 14 days respectively). The relaxation
response of corpus cavernosal muscle to acetylcholine and papaverine was significantly
decreased in castrated group and restored up to the level of control after testosterone
replacement. The maximum inhibitory effect of castration on the relaxation of corpus
cavernosal muscle began to be shown at 4 weeks after castration.
Based on these results, we conclude that testosterone regulates the tone of cavernosal
smooth muscle through the pathway including cholinergic endothelium mediated


Testosterone; Castration; Cavernosal smooth muscle; Relaxation; Rabbit;

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