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ÀÀ±Þ¼¾ÅÍ·Î ³»¿øÇÑ ºñ´¢±â°ú ȯÀÚµéÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû Ư¼º The Clinical Characteristics of Urologic Patients Who Visited Emergency Center

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 38±Ç 10È£ p.1039 ~ 1046
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1993³â 7¿ù 1ÀϺÎÅÍ 1995³â 6¿ù 30ÀϱîÁö 2 ³âµ¿¾È Á߾ӱ溴¿ø ÀÀ±ÞÀÇÇм¾ÅÍ¿¡ ³»¿øÇÑ ºñ
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1. ºñ´¢±â°ú ȯÀÚÀÇ ³²³àºñ´Â 2.6 : 1·Î ³²ÀÚÀÇ ¼ö°¡ ¿ùµîÈ÷ ¸¹¾ÒÀ¸¸ç ÀÀ±Þ¼¾ÅÍ¿¡ ³»¿øÇÑ
ÀüüȯÀÚÀÇ ³²³àºñÀÎ 1.5 : 1¿¡ ºñÇؼ­µµ ³²ÀÚȯÀÚÀÇ ºñÀ²ÀÌ ³ô¾Ò´Ù. ¿¬·Éº°·Î´Â »çȸÀûÀ¸·Î
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2. ÀÔ¿øÀ²Àº 23.3%·Î Àüü ȯÀÚÀÇ ÀÔ¿øÀ² 23.7%¿Í ºñ½ÁÇÏ¿´À¸¸ç ÀÌÁß ºñ´¢±â°ú¿¡ ÀÔ¿øµÈ
ȯÀÚ°¡ 18.7%¿´°í Ÿ°ú¿¡ ÀÔ¿øµÈ °æ¿ì´Â 4.6%¿´´Ù.
3. ½Ã°£´ëº°·Î´Â ¿ÀÈÄ 8½ÃºÎÅÍ ÀÚÁ¤±îÁö°¡ 20.4%·Î °¡Àå ¸¹¾ÒÀ¸¸ç, ¿ÀÀü 12½ÃºÎÅÍ 4½Ã »ç
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¹æ±¤ÀÚ±ØÁõ»ó µîÀÇ ¼øÀ̾ú´Ù.
6. Áúº´°ú ¿Ü»óÀÇ ºñÀ²Àº 87.5% : 12.5%·Î Áúº´ÀÌ 7¹è ¸¹¾ÒÀ¸¸ç, Áúº´ÀÇ °æ¿ì ¿ä·Î°á¼®ÀÌ
ÀüüÀÇ °ú¹Ý¼ö¸¦ ³Ñ¾úÀ¸¸ç ´ÙÀ½À¸·Î Àü¸³¼±ºñ´ëÁõ, ¹æ±¤¿°ÀÇ ¼øÀ̾ú´Ù. ¿Ü»óÀº ½ÅÀå, À½³¶,
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7 ÀÀ±Þ¼ö¼úÀ» ÇÊ¿ä·Î Çß´ø ÁúȯÀº ¹æ±¤ÆÄ¿­ (23.5%), °íȯ¿°Àü (18.5%), ½Å ¼Õ»ó (16%)
µîÀÇ ¼øÀ¸·Î ¸¹¾Ò´Ù.
8. ÀÀ±Þ¼¾ÅÍ ³»¿øȯÀÚÁß ºñ´¢±â°úÀûÀÎ ¹®Á¦·Î »ç¸ÁÇÑ È¯ÀÚ´Â 1¸í À̾ú´Ù.
Purpose: This study was performed to analyze the clinical characteristics of urologic
patients who visited emergency center and provide a fundamental data for further study,
and to add some help in the management of the patients.
Materials and Methods: Among the total 99,935 patients who visited the emergency
center from July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1995, the clinical data of 3,063 urologic patients was
reviewed retrospectively.
Results: The most common group of age was 4th decade, and male predominated over
female by 2.6 : 1. The peak time of patient's entrance to emergency center was
between 20 : 00 and 24 : 00 (24.4%) and second peak was 00 : 00 and 04 : 00 (18.5%).
Flank pain (57.5%) was the most common symptom and urinary retention (10.3%), gross
hematuria (9.7%), irritative voiding symptoms (7.5%) followed that.
The common diseases or injury were urinary stone (56.4%) and benign prostatic
hyperplasia (8.0%), renal injury (4.0%), acute cystitis (3.7%) respectively. The admission
rate was 23.3% and the ratio between urologic department and other departments was
4 : 1. Trauma was occupied 12.5% in all urologic patients and common disease or
injuries that needed emergent operation were bladder rupture (23.5%), testicular torsion
(18.5%), and renal trauma (16.0%). 7 patients with multiple injury were expired due to 1
urologic cause (renal trauma) and 6 non-urologic causes.
Conclusions: The most common cause that brings the urologic patients to the
emergency center is flank pain associated with urinary stone and the factors related to
increased occurrence are male, age of 4th decades and midnight.


Emergency center; Urologic patients;

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