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±è±â°æ/Ki Kyung Kim


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Purpose: It tends to increase in number of circumcision in neonates and school boys
without any logical rationale concering that. So, I investigated what their parents know
about phimosis and circumcision, how many boys received circumcision, what are the
direct reason or motive of performing circumcision, what kind of complications they had,
and finally what they think about circumcision, pros and cons.
Materials and Methods: 741 boys were chosen for study, who were attending at
primary school in Seoul, Kyungkido, Incheon and Kangwondo, 361, 99, 208 and 73,
respectively, 1 made a questionnaire and had parents mark personally at the given item
(S) without boy's knowing the contents of the questionnaire to avoid error.
Result: 52.3% of the answers replied that circumcision may keep penile hygiene clean.
40.9% of the boys were performed circumcision and 21.1% at neonatal period.
Circumcisions were performed according to parent's want in 55.7%, boy's own want in
11.4%, nurse or doctor's recommendation in 10.3% and inflammation or urinary tract
infection in 14%. There were some inappropriate resections of the prepuce and slight
rotations of the penis in 12.5%, without other severe complications. Finally, they
answered that circumcision is good for boys in 73%, bad in 0.5% and not necessary in
Conclusions: Many parents tend to think circumcision is advantageous to boys and it
is actually performed in large number of boys. However, they are short of knowledge
about that. So, I think there must be more activities to let them understand medical
basis concerning circumcision.


Phimosis; Circumcision; Children;

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