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To evaluate the prevalence of p53 gene expression and its role as a prognostic
indicator in bladder carcinoma, we examined the paraffin-embedded tissue specimens
from 43 patients with superficial and 31 patients with invasive bladder cancers. Nuclear
expression of p53 proteins was detected by immunohistochemical analysis with
microwave retrieve method, using the monoclonal antibody DO7 (Novocastra, UK). The
p53 gene expression were divided into 4 categories (category 1: negative, category 2:
<20%, focal, category 3: >20%, diffuse, heterogeneous, weak intensity, category 4 >20%,
diffuse, homogeneous, strong intensity). In total 74 cases, 67 (90.5%) showed positive
(category 3 and 4) nuclear staining. Difference of nuclei, expression between superficial
and invasive cancer was not seen (96%, 84% respectively). But category 4 was more
frequently seen in cases with invasive carcinoma compared to in superficial cancers
(65% vs. 35%), and it was highly found in cases with grade 3 than grade 1 and 2 (79%
vs. 27.5%) (p<0.005). Recurrence, progression, and survival in patients with superficial
and invasive carcinoma between negative and weak intensity group (category 1,2,3) and
strong intensity group (category 4) were not statistically significant. Our results showed
higher positive rates than other studies may be due to using microwave retrieve method.
These suggest that most bladder tumors have p53 mutations not only invasive but also
superficial tumors and immunohistochemical stain using microwave retrieve method of
bladder tumor specimens could be A good screening method for the presence of mutant
p53 protein. The nuclear expression of p53 protein showed the trend of a stronger
intensity in patients with invasive tumors and high histologic grade than in patients
with superficial tumors and low histologic grade. These results also suggest that the
degree of mutant p53 expression may be more useful for aggressive biological natures
than the presence of mutant p53 protein.


Bladder tumor; p53; Microwave retrieve method;

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