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Èĺο䵵ÆǸ· ȯ¾Æ¿¡¼­ ¿ä°üÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ¹æ±¤È®´ë¼ú 2·Ê Ureterocystoplasty : Experiences in Two Cases of Posterior Urethral Valve

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Ureterocystoplasty is a known useful method for the management of selected closes
with dilated ureters, high pressure and poorly compliant bladders. It precluds the
potential complications of enterocystoplasty. In two cases of posterior urethral valve with
urinary incontinence, bilateral dilated ureters, and poorly compliant bladders, we
performed ureterocystoplasties using dilated lower end of the ureter after
transuretero-ureterostomy and ureteral reimplantation. Both patients were almost
continent day and night. The bladder capacities and compliances were improved. There
was no deterioration of renal functions. In conclusion, we suggest that the
ureterocystoplasty using dilated distal ureter after transuretero-ureterostomy is an
appropriate procedure in selected cases of posterior nrethral valve.


Ureterocystoplasty; Posterior urethral valve; Transuretero ureterostomy;

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