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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1997³â 38±Ç 12È£ p.1268 ~ 1274
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4. Bethanechol¿¡ ´ë ÇÑ ¼öÃà·Â Àº Æó¼â ÈÄ °¨¼ÒÇÏ¿´°í, Æó¼â Á¦°Å ÈÄ ±Þ°ÝÇÑ È¸º¹À» º¸¿´
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Contraction of the bladder can be divided into two phases. The initial phase (phasic
contraction) is characterized by a rapid increase in pressure that results in a change of
bladder shape. This phase is followed immediately by a plateau phase (tonic contraction)
that maintains an increase in intravesical pressure that is responsible for evacuating the
bladder. This study was designed to determine the effect of relief of bladder outlet
obstruction on the phasic and tonic detrusor contractile response to field and
pharmacologic stimulation in rat urinary bladder.
Fourty female rats were used in this investigation. Normal bladder was used as
control (n=8) and experimental groups (n=32) were classified into 6 weeks obstruction
group and 2, 4, and 6 weeks groups after relief of obstruction. The phasic and tonic
contractile response to field stimulation (2,4, 8, 16, 32 Hz) and bethanechol (3¡¿
105M) was estimated by polygraph.
Following results were obtained.
1) The weight of bladder was increased in obstruction group and gradually decreased
after relief of obstruction (p<0.05).
2) The phasic and tonic contractile response to all frequency of stimulation was
decreased in obstruction group and rapidly recovered from 4 weeks after relief of
obstruction (p<0.05).
3) In low frequency field stimulation, the ratio of tonic to phasic contractile response
was decreased in obstruction group when compared with control (p<0.05) and in all
frequency field stimulation, the ratio tended to recover after relief of obstruction
4) Detrusor contractile response to bethanechol was rapidly decreased in obstruction
group and rapidly recovered after relief of obstruction. And the contractile response in 6
weeks after relief of obstruction wag higher khan control (p<0.05).
As the results of above, we concluded that relief of bladder outlet obstruction induced
recovery of the ability to initiate contraction. However, emptying ability is not recovered
within a certain period of time. And further study will be needed.


Bladder outlet obstruction; Detrusor contraction; Phasic and tonic contraction;

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