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Injuries to the pelvic nerve plexus following major pelvic ablative surgery are
commonly led conditions in urologic field and often related to voiding difficulty with
flaccid type of neurogenic bladder The pathophysiological background for voiding
difficulty is unknown and also it is difficult to investigate in human. The present study
was undertaken to investigate the functional changes on the bladder and urethra in
major pelvic ganglion denervated rats (experimental group). Injury to the pelvic nerve
plexus was created by selective removal of bilateral major pelvic ganglions of mature
Sprague-Dawley rats (male, 250¡­300 gm). One week after operation, urodynamic
evaluation and NADPH diaphorase histochemistry were performed in each rat.
The whole bladder wet weight and residual urine of experimental group significantly
increased to 1.6 times and 29 times that of control group, respectively. For urodynamic
investigations, the bladder and the urethra were completely disconnected by means of
ligation between the bladder neck and the proximal urethra, and simultaneous recordings
of the intravesical and proximal urethral pressure were performed. During simultaneous
urethro-vesical filling in experimental group, vesical contraction and urethral relaxation
were not induced. However, an administration of L-arginine (120 §·/§¸ intravenously), a
nitric oxide substrate, resulted in a gradual decrease in urethral pressure when the
bladder pressure was reached at submaximal level. On NADPH diaphorase
histochemistry in control group, a large number of NADPH positive nerve fibers were
found in the proximal urethra, whereas those were found less commonly in the bladder.
In experimental group, the number of NOS positive none fibers in the bladder was
similar to that in control group. But in the proximal urethra, the number of NOS
positive nerve fibers (84.7 12.7) decreased significantly in contrast to that (185.9¡¾ 56.3)
in control group.
These results indicate that failure to empty in neurogenic bladder may be resulted
from relaxation impairment of bladder outlet, which can be explained by the reduction of
neuronal NOS in the proximal urethra in experimental group.


Major pelvic ganglion; Denervation; Bladder; Urethra; Nitric oxide synthase;

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