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Ambulatory surgery is an established surgical system that all the procedures which
are visiting hospital, undergoing surgery and recovery and returning home, performed on
the same day. We evaluated our initial experiences to find out if there are any
differences between ambulatory surgery and inpatient surgery especially during the
perioperative period. We assessed the following 6 items: the degree of perioperative
anxiety in parents, observation time in the recovery room, hospital charge, length of
time to return to usual activities, postoperative complications and degree of postoperative
satisfaction in parents.
Between April 1995 and August 1996, we reviewed 30 Patients who underwent
ambulatory surgery (age: 1 no-15.2 yrs, mean 5.8 yrs) - hydrocelectomy (16 cases),
orchiopexy (10 cases), varicocelectomy (1 case), excision of cyst at urethral meatus (1
case) and circumcision (2 case). Then we compared the same parameters with those of
30 inpatient children who underwent similar surgical procedures (age: 7 no-12 yrs, mean
3.8 yrs) - hydrocelectomy (15 cases) and orchiopexy (15 cases).
The results were as follows:
1, There was no significant difference among the two groups in observation time at
recovery room (p=0.381) and the time to return to normal activities (p=0.202).
2. Ambulatory surgery group is more economical than the inpatient surgery group
3. In ambulatory surgery group, the degree of perioperative anxiety in parents was
higher than inpatient surgery group (p=0.001). However, postoperative satisfaction was
higher than inpatient surgery group (p=0.001) with negligible complications.
In conclusion, ambulatory surgery in pediatric urology was more advantageous than
inpatient surgery with regards to postoperative satisfaction and alleviation of parental
burden on time and money.


Ambulatory surgery; Pediatric urology;

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