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Purpose: it is well known that androgens have beneficial effects on erectile
dysfunction, their precise roles have been contentious. Recently it has been shown in the
rat that castration induces loss of penile reflexes and considerable reduction in the
erectile response to electrical stimulation(ES) of the cavernosal nerve. Both of these
effects can be reversed by testosterone replacement. In this study, we have investigated
the effects of androgen on the expressions of androgen receptor(AR), penile reflex(glans
engorgement, cup, flip), erectile response to electrical stimulation, and penile NOS
Materials and Methods: Male Sprague-Dawly rats(300-35Og) were castrated and
implanted with silastic brand silicone tube containing dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or
testosterone with or without daily injections of the 5a-reductase inhibitor(MK434).
Animals of control groups were either sham operated or castrated with no androgen
supplementation. All animals were maintained for 7 days under normal animal house
Penile tissues were removed and processed either for Northern hybridization using
[a-32P]UTP-labelled cKNAs and for measurement of NOS activities. In
penile reflex, number of glans engorgement. flip and cup were measured in each group
and compared with control. And, ES-induced intracarvenosal pressure(ICP)/systolic blood
pressure(SBP) ratio and penile NOS activities of each groups were compared with
Results: Penile AR mRNA expressions were down-regulated by androgen Penile reflex
erection was significantly reduced in castrated group and restored to the control level by
androgen supplementation. However, the reflex erection was decreased in MK434-treated
group. Erectile response to ES and penile NOS activity of each group showed similar
Conclusions: These results showed that androgen might play a important role in
regulation of penile erection and its actions were mediated by AR. Androgens, especially
DHT, were essential modulators of the normal penile function including erectile
relaxation of the cavernous smooth muscle, their effects being mediated, at least
partially, by changes in nitric oxide synthase levels.


Androgen; Androgen receptor; Nitric oxide; Penile reflex;

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