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Purpose: T lymphocytes from patients with renal cell carcinoma(RCC) show reduced
immune function and impaired activation of the transcription factor, NF¥êB. Recent work
from this laboratory shows that supernatant fluid from RCC explants can inhibit
activation of NF¥êB. Because PGE2 can suppress T cell function and is
present in supernatant fluid from RCC explants, we determined if PGE2
could suppress the activation of NF¥êB.
Materials and Methods: Peripheral blood T cells from normal volunteers and RCC
patients were stimulated with crosslinked antiCD3 antibody and IL-2(1000u/ml) or
PMA(20ng/m1) and lonomycin(0.75rg/m1) for various lengths of time. The effect that
PGE, and RCC-5(supernatant fluid from RCC) had on NF¥êB was assessed by adding
PGE2 or RCC-S to normal T cells using western blotting and
electrophoretic mobility shift assay(EMSA).
Results: T cell activation results in the nuclear expression of two KB binding
complexes(C 1 and C2) as determined by EMSA. However, PGE2
suppressed the nuclear expression of KB binding activity with 10-5M
PGE2 having the most effect. PGE2 and RCC-S suppressed
the expression of Cl which is composed of NF¥êB1, ReIA and c-Rel whereas it had
minimal erect on C2 which is composed only of NF¥êB1. Western blotting verified that
PGE2 and RCC-S significantly reduced the nuclear but not the cytoplasmic
levels of ReIA, NF¥êBl and c-Rel. Furthermore, the results obtained with
PGE2 and RCC-S are similar to those obtained with T cells from RCC
Conclusions: These results demonstrate that PGE2 can suppress NF¥êB
activation in T cells through inhibiting the nuclear translocation of ReIA, NF¥êBl and
c-Rel. PGE2 may contribute to the inhibition of NF¥êB that is mediated
by RCC supernatant.


Transcription factors; 7 lymphocytes; Prostaglandin E2; Tumors; Supernatant;

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