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(glandular epithelium)¿Í ¼±°­(glandular lumen)À¸·Î ÀÌ·ç¾îÁø ¼±¼ººÐ(glandular component)
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-blocker)´Â ÆòÈ°±Ù¿¡ ÀÛ¿ëÇϸç 5¥á-reductase ¾ïÁ¦Á¦´Â ÁÖ·Î ¼±¼ººÐ¿¡ ÀÛ¿ëÇÏ´Â °ÍÀ¸·Î Ãß
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Purpose: It has been believed that o-blocker affects the stromal component of BPH,
while 5¥á-reductase inhibitor affects the glandular component. Information on the tissue
composition of BPH might be helpful to choose an appropriate medical therapeutic agent.
We evaluated whether transrectal ultrasonographic findings could reflect the histologic
composition of BPH and the correlation of the composition of BPH and the clinical
parameters such as patient's age, peak flow rate, IPSS symptom score, and prostate
Materials and Methods: Fifty five patients with BPH treated by transurethral resection
were studied. The proportions of stromal and glandular area in the resected prostate
were determined by image analyzer. 'Stromal hyperplasia'was defined when more than
75% of the resected prostate was composed of stromal tissue and microscopically,
abundant stromal tissue with normal or atrophic glands were dominant. 'Glandular
hyperplasia' was defined when more than 25% of the prostate was composed of
glandular tissue and microscopically, hyperplastic glandular cells and dilated lumen with
occasional cystic changes were dominant. Ultrasonographically, it is classified as stromal
hyperplasia when the echo of central gland is fine and lower echogenic than that of
peripheral gland, and classlfied as glandular hyperplasia when the echo of central gland
Is coarse and isoechogenic or hyperechogenic with focal echopenic areas. Statistical
significance was judged by Student t-test and linear regression analysis. Concordance of
ultrasonographic findings and histopathologic findings of BPH was determined by Kappa
Results: Sixty nine percent of resected prostate tissue were composed of stromal tissue.
The proportion of stromal tissue in stromal hyperplasia and glandular hyperplasia was
85.8¡¾ 1.6% and 64.8¡¾ 1.0%, respectively(p<0.001). Ultrasonography accurately reflect
histopathologlc type in 50 of 55 BPH. Two of 12 stromal hyperplasia and 3 of 43
glandular hyperplasia were falsely interpreted on ultrasonography. Three of 5 falsely
interpreted cases showed marginal stromal tissue composition(60.9%, 72.9%, 73.3%,
76.4%, and 84.2%). Kappa index of ultrasonogrhaphic finding and histopathologic
classification was 0.74(fair to good). In the meantime, clinical parameters including
patient's age, peak flow rate, IPSS symptom scores did not correlate with tissue
composition. Only prostate volume and resected prostate weight showed negative
correlation with proportion of stromal tissue(p=0.0953 and p=0.0794, respectively).
Conclusions: Using our sonographic criteria, transrectal ultrasonography could reflect
histologic type of BPH so that choice of medical therapeutic agent may be possible.
Larger prostates had less stromal tissue, however, the histologic composition of the
prostate was not related to the severity of symptoms or peak flow rate.


Benign prostatic hyperplasia; Ultrasonography; Histology;

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