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ÈòÁã¿¡¼­ ½Å ÇãÇ÷/Àç°ü·ù ÈÄ Ç÷û Xanthine Oxidase Activity, Glutathione ¹× MalonyldialdehydeÄ¡ÀÇ º¯È­ The Change of Serum Level of Xanthine Oxidase Activity, Glutathione and Malonyldialdehyde following Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in the Rat

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Purpose : It has been suggested in our previous study that the level of xanthine
oxidase(XO) activity, glutathione(GSH) and malonydialdehyde(MDA) in renal tissue
following renal ischemia/reperfusion(I/R) could be used as marker of oxidant stress.
Present study was undertaken to investigate the serum level of XO activity. GSH and
MDA following renal I/R and to elucidate potential use of the serum level of GS
H and MDA as makers of renal function following I/R injury.
Materials and Methods : Male Sprague-Dawley rats(200-250gm) were divided into 3
groups : group A - occlusion of bilateral renal arteries for 60 min, group B -
pretreatment allopurinol(20mg/Kg). a radical scavenger, plus occlusion of renal arteries,
and group C(control group) - sham operation. In group A and B, recirculation of renal
arteries were performed for 30min. XO activity, xanthine dehydrogenase(XD) type
conversion ratio, level of GSH and MDA were measured from venous blood.
Results : Both XO activity(nM/mg/min) and XD type conversion ratio(%) were
increased in group A(XO; 0.173¡¾0.012, XD; 60.44¡¾4.32) and decreased in group B(XO;
0.136¡¾0.01, XD; 45.40¡¾4.78) compared to control group(XO; 0.153¡¾0.012, XD; 46.93¡¾
3.45). The level of GSH(¥ìM/g tissue), a scavenger of oxygen free radical(OFR), was
also decreased in group A(0.130¡¾0.021) compared to group B(0.179¡¾0.021) and control
group(0.186¡¾0.017). In addition, the level of MDA(nM/g tissue), which is a stable end
product of lipid peroxidation, was significantly increased in group A(0.076¡¾0.006)
compared to group B(0.057¡¾0.005) and control group(0.053¡¾0.004).
Conclusions : From these results, it is suggested that renal I/R injury is highly
correlated with the production of OFR. Furthermore. the serum levels of MDA and GSH
might be used as early markers of oxidant stress in association with renal I/R injury.


Ischemia/Reperfusion injury; Oxygen free radicals; Serum; Renal function.;

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