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Solvent 5200¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ °¡¿ªÀû Á¤ÀÚÇü¼ºÀå¾Ö Recovery from Abnormal Spermatogenesis after Exposure to Solvent 5200

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Purpose: Solvent 5200(heptane 1.97%, 2-bromopropane 97.92% and 1,2-dibromopropane
0.02%) is a widely used detergent in electronic industries. The toxic effect of this
chemical on spermatogenesis were investigated.
Materials and Methods: Eight employees who showed abnormal semen analyses after
exposure to Solvent 5200 for one year to eleven years underwent hormonal tests, semen
analyses, testicular biopsies one month after cessation of exposure and then three
consecutive semen analyses during 8 months follow-up period.
Results: All patients(mean age: 33 years old) had decreased sperm count including
azoospermia in one Patient. Five patients also had decreased sperm motility. One
azoospermic and two oligospermic patients had elevated serum FSH level. Histology of
testes in six patients showed abnormal histologic findings such as atrophy of
seminiferous tubules, thickening of the basement membrane and hyperplasia of Leydig
cells. Follow-up semen analysis during eight months period after cessation of exposure
to Solvent 5200 revealed increased sperm count in all patients including four patients
recovering to normal range.
Conclusion: Our studies suggest that Solvent 5200 could induce histolcgic change of
testes as well as impairment of spermatogenesis and this process could be reversed by
avoidance of exposure to this chemical substance.


Spermatogenesis; Chemicals; Occupational; Testis;

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