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¿Ü»ó¼º °íȯº¯À§ 3·Ê Three Cases of Traumatic Dislocation of Testis

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Traumatic dislocation of the testicle is characterized by an ectopically displaced testis
as the result of closed injury. Motorvehicle accident have provided the majority of cases,
although a number of alternative causes have been reported ranging from kicks to the
perineum to falling accidents. Surgery should be performed immediately in traumatic
dislocation when closed reduction fails on initial presentation or when a concomitant
injury to the testis exists that requires surgical intervention.
We experienced 3 cases of subcutaneous inguinal dislocation of the testis. Of these a
patient was successfully treated by immediate closed reduction and 2 others need
exploration, reduction and fixation of the testis.


Testis; Traumatic dislocation;

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