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Purpose : Partial obstruction of the rat bladder outlet induces a rapid hypertrophy
characterized by increased smooth muscle content and collagen deposition. This
increased collagen is likely to reduce the quality of the contraction and compliance of
the bladder wall. Also it has been reported that an alteration in the ratio of type I and
III collagen may be more important than the amount of collagen in determining
compliance. To evaluate the genetic basis of collagen deposition in the partially
obstructed rat bladder, the author observed the change of pro¥á1(I) collagen, pro¥á1(III)
collagen, pro¥á(IV) collagen and matrix-metalloproteinase(MMP)-2 mRNA after partial
urethral obstruction.
Materials and Methods : Female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 150-200g were used.
Individual bladders were obtained from unoperated rats, and from rats at 6, 12, 48, 72,
hours, 5 and 7 days after partial urethral obstruction and sham operation. Total RNA
was extracted from each of these tissue, The expression of mRNAs were assessed by
Northern blot analysis. The band intensities of the autoradiographs measured by
densitometry were compared between the obstructed and sham group.
Results : Partial urethral obstruction induced a gradual increase in bladder weights,
The expression of mRNA for pro¥á1(I) collagen was generally attenuated within 24hours
after obstruction. In extended period of obstruction, the expression of mRNA for pro¥á
1(I)collagen reached a peak at day 3-5(219% increase), and remained elevated through
day 7. The expression of mRNA for pro¥á1(I)collagen was coregulated with that of pro
¥á1(I) collagen, however, the mean ratio to control value of band intensity for pro¥á
1(III)collagen mRNA was 2 times higher than that of pro¥á1(I) collagen, during days
3-7. The expression of mRNA for pro¥á1(IV)collagen showed a sharp increase at 48
hours(438% increase)after obstruction earlier than pro¥á1(I)collagen and pro¥á
1(III)collagen mRNA. In extended period of obstruction the expression reached a peak at
72 hours(883% increase) and the mean ratio to control value of band intensity for pro¥á
¥á collagen mRNA was much higher than those of pro¥á1(I) collagen and pro¥á1(III)
collagen. The expression of MMP-2 mRNA increased from 48hours after obstruction,
and reached a peak at day 3-5.
Conclusions : These results sugges that the increase of collagen in the rat bladder
after partial urethral obstruction results from an increase of expression of collagen
genes, and the decrease of bladder wall compliance results from an increased
transcription of type I collagen gene and increase of the ratio of pro¥á1(III)collagen to
pro¥á1(I)collagen mRNA. Because expression of pro¥á1(I), (III), (IV) collagen and
MMP-2 mRNA increased sharply after 48hours, it is suggested that genetic events
leading to remodeling of bladder start at 48hours after partial urethral obstruction.


Urinary bladder; Obstruction; Collagen; Matrix-metalloproteinase-2;

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