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´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 39±Ç 4È£ p.311 ~ 315
¿øÁ¾¸¸, ±è¹ÌÀÚ, Lou Heber,
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USA Cleveland Clinic Foundation Ohio Department of Urology
 ( Lou Heber ) 
USA Cleveland Clinic Foundation Ohio Department of Urology


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¹æ±¤¾Ï ¼¼Æ÷ÁÖÀÎ T24¿¡¼­ ¿°ÁõÀ¯¹ß ¹°ÁúÀÎ lipopolysaccharide(LPS), interferon gamma(INF
¥ã), tumor necrosis factor alpha(TNF¥á)µéÀ» Åõ¿©ÇÏ¿© ¸é¿ªÀ¯ÀüÀÚÀÇ ¹ßÇöÀ» Á¶ÀýÇÏ´Â Àü»ç
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Purpose : While the exact inflammatory and immunological mechanisms involved in
the induction of immunotherapy for superficial bladder carcinoma are mostly unknown,
many of these mechanisms are mediated through the activation of transcription factors
involved in signal transduction pathways Nuclear Factor Kappa B(NF¥êB) signal
transduction pathways induce transcription factors that activate genes encoding
immunological proteins such as cytokines and cell Surface maskers. This study
investigates the activation pattern of NF¥êB by lipopolysaccharide(LPS), interferon
gamma(INF¥ã), and tissue necrosis factor alpha(TNF¥á) in low(RT4) and high(T24)
grade transitional carcinoma cell lines.
Materials and Methods : Low and high grade transitional carcinoma cell lines were
cultured with Eagle's minimum essential medium. Using electrophoretic mobility shift
assays(EMSA) of whole cell extracts from cell cultures of RT4 and T24 after exposure
to LPS, INF¥ã and TNF¥á, activation of NF¥êB complex has been demonstrated.
Degradation of I¥êB has been demonstrated by Western blot analysis using I¥êB¥á
Results : NF¥êB complex was induced by TNF¥á in both RT4 and T24 cells as
determined by EMSA. NF¥êB complex was also Induced by INF¥ã in the RT4 cells but
not in the T24 cells. However in LPS treatment, the NF¥ãB complex was strongly
induced in T24 cells and the induction was very weak in RT4 cells. Inhibitor of NF¥êB
(I¥êB¥á) was degraded rapidly after LPS treatment in the T24 cells as determined by
Western blot analysis with I¥êB¥á specific antibody. However, the level of I¥êB¥á
protein was same in the RT4 cells before and after LPS treatment.
Conclusions : Identification of differences in low and high grade tumor cell lines in the
inducibility of transcription factors by LPS and INF¥ã provide an opportunity for
understanding the observed differences in the mechanisms within the signal transduction
pathways will ultimately create disease specific as well as patient specific treatments for
these malignant urothelial disorders.


Bladder cancer; Signal transduction; Immunotherapy;

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