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¹æ±¤ÀÌÇà»óÇǾϿ¡¼­ bcl-2´Ü¹éÁú ¹ßÇö Expression of bel-2 Oncoprotein in Bladder Tumor

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Purpose : Expression of bel-2 is associated with inhibition of apoptosis and extension
of cell survival. We investigated the expression of bel-2 oncoprotein in human bladder
Materials and Methods : The expression of bel-2 oncoprotein was investigated
immunohistochemically in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue specimens from
43 patients with primary transitional cell carcinoma in urinary bladder. Thirty four were
superficial bladder tumors and nine were invasive bladder tumors. In histology grade
according WHO grading there were 9 grade 1,21 grade ¥± and 13 grade ¥².
Results : Strong positive staining was 5(11.62%), positive staining 13(30%) and
negative staining 25(58%). Random distribution through the cancerous epithelium
presented in 3 tumors but the other 15 tumors demonstrated cystoplasmic staining
restricted to basal epithelial cells. Positive immunoreaction for bel-2 was found in 3 out
of 9 invasive bladder tumors, while 15 of 34 superficial tumors showed positive staining.
There was no significant correlation between bel-2 expression and tumor stage(p=0.56).
6 of grade ¥°, 9 of grade ¥± and 3 of grade ¥² bladder tumors showed positive
staining. There was no significant correlation between bcl-2 expression and tumor
Conclusions : The findings suggest that no clear relationship was found between
tumor grade, stage and bel-2 expression.


Bladder tumor; bcl-2 expression; Immunohistochemical staining;

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