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Purpose : This study was undertaker in order to develop and characterize a new
murine renal cell carcinoma(RCC) model which may be closely analogous to the human
RCC and which may serve as a basis for the evaluation of new therapeutic modalities.
Materials and Methods : The tumor being investigated, Rag cell line, arose spont-
aneously as a renal adenocarcinoma in an inbred Balb/c mouse. Tumor cells were
injected into subrenal capsule and injected intravenously and intraperitoneally to induce
tumors. Among the orthotopically inoculated animals, some were performed a
nephrectomy to mimic the situation mostly often encountered in the human.
Results: 1 Tumors were transferred to all animals where inoculated into subrenal
capsule. 2. The growth rates of tumor-bearing mice were retarded compared to control
mice. 3. Tumors grew exponentially when inoculated into subrenal capsule. The doubling
time of tumor was approximately 13 days. 4. Spontaneous lung metastasis could be
better induced in the subrenal capsule model(80%). Higher rate of lung metastasis was
obtained by intravenous inoculation of tumor cells(85.7%). 5. After nephrectomy
performed on 14 days following subrenal capsular Inoculation of tumor cells, lung
metastasis developed spontaneously in 80% of cases.
Conclusions: The behavior of Rag tumor following subrenal capsular inoculation
mimics that of human RCC from the viewpoint of the formation of primary tumor mass
on the kidney followed by the development of spontaneous metastases. This model can
be used for the evaluation of the therapeutic erects both on the primary tumor as well
as on the metastatic disease.
(Korean J Urol 1998; 39: 411¡­T)


Animal model; Renal cell carcinoma; Mouse; Rag cell; Lung metastasis;

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