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Purpose : The therapeutic dose of cytokine for patients with advanced renal cell
carcinoma is very high and leads to toxic side effects and a substantial cost to the
patients. Interleukin-2(IL-2) could be released continuously and slowly in the host by
genetic engineering of IL-2 genes and increase host immunity with decreasing the a¤²
verse effects of the drug. We investigated the IL-2 gene expression, amplification of
viral titer, and transduction of IL-2 gene into human renal cell carcinoma cell line with
retroviral vectors.
Materials and Methods: For the production of retroviral vectors with the IL-2 gene,
we used PA-317 as a packaging cell and Caki-2 as a renal cell carcinoma cell.
Retroviral supernatants were added to culture flask containing Caki-2 cells and after 48
hours, re- placement with a media containing G418(Gibco, Grand Island, NY) 800¥ìg/m1
was done for selection of transfected colonies. The selected colonies were cultured and
then measured the amount of IL-2 production per 1 l06 for 24 hours
using an ELISA assay kit(BioSource International, USA) for IL-2.
Results: Thirteen colonies were selected and the amount of IL-2 production was 143.1
¡¾75.3pg/m1/106 cells/24hr(range: 51.5-370.7).
Conclusions: The success of transduction of the IL-2 gene into human renal cell
carcinoma cell lines with a retroviral vector will give a possibility in gene therapy for
advanced renal cell carcinoma and may have promising results
(Korean J Urol 1998; 39: 418¡­22)


Renal cell carcinoma; Retroviral vector; Interleukin-2; Gen8 transduction;

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