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¹æ±¤¾Ï ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ ¿ä Áß NMP22ÃøÁ¤ÀÇ ÀÇÀÇ Significance of Urinary NMP22 in Patients with Bladder Tumor as a Diagnostic Test

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ÀÖ´Ù. À̵é Áß ÇϳªÀÎ nuclear matrix protein(NMP)Àº ¼¼Æ÷ÇÙÀÇ ³»ºÎ ±¸Á¶¸¦ ÀÌ·ç´Â ÀϺκÐ
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nuclear mitotic apparatus protein(NuMA)Àº ¹æ±¤¾Ï ¼¼Æ÷³»¿¡¼­ °í³óµµ·Î Á¸ÀçÇϸç, NMP22
ÃøÁ¤¹ýÀº ¼Òº¯À¸·Î ³ª¿À´Â ¼ö¿ë¼º NuMA¸¦ ÃøÁ¤ÇÏ´Â °Ë»çÀÌ´Ù. º» ¿¬±¸´Â ¹æ±¤¾Ï ȯÀÚ±º°ú
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Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the significance of urinary
Nuclear Matrix Protein22(NMP22) in patients wish bladder tumor as a diagnostic test
Materials and Methods: A total persons were divided into three groups. First group
were 26 patients with bladder tumor, second group were 31 persons of normal control,
third group were 28 patients with UTI(urinary tract infection). NMP22 was assayed
using a commercial test kit.
Results: Mean NMP22 in bladder tumor group(50.6units/ml) was significantly higher
than mean NMP22 in normal control group(8.4units/ml). But, mean NMP22 in bladder
tumor group was not significantly higher than mean NMP22 in UTI group(47.3units/ml).
Mean NMP22 did not correlate with tumor stage or tumor grade in patients with
bladder tumor(p>0.05). Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of
NMP22 in bladder tumor(cut-of value:10units/ml) were 73.1%(19/26), 67.7%(21/31),
65.5%(19/29) and 75%(21/28), respectively. Sensitivity of urine cytology were 50%(13/26)
in the bladder tumor groups.
Conclusions: Our data suggest that NMP22 in patient with bladder tumor could be a
good diagnostic test. High NMP22 level in patients with UTI, however, might be
decrease the availability of MMP22 in diagnosis of bladder tumor. (Korean J Urol 1998;
39: 450¡­3)


Bladder tumor; NMP22; Diagnostic test;

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