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Çѱ¹ ³²¾ÆÀÇ ¿¬·É ¹× ¹è´¢·®¿¡ µû¸¥ ¿ä¼Ó Nomograms Uroflow Rate Nomograms related to Age and Voiced Volume in Korea Pediatric Males

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 39±Ç 5È£ p.484 ~ 0
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À±À翵/Jai Young Yoon ÀÌÇöº¸/Á¤È£¼®/¼­È«Áø/ÇÑâÈñ/¹Ú¿ë±Ô/Hyun Bo Lee/Ho Suk Jung/Hong Jin Suh/Chang Hee Han/Yong Kyu Park


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Purpose: To determine the uroflow rates of normal Korean pediatric male,
uroflowmetry was peformed.
Materials and Methods: A total of the 237 normal children who ranged in age from 2
to 14 years(mean: 7.2¡¾2.1years)was available for this study. Uroflow 1 data(peak and
average flow) were plotted in volume-related nomograms in 3 different age groups : 2
to 4, 5 to7 and 8 to 14 years old.
Results: The mean peak flow(10.3¡¾3.7, 12.2¡¾4.9 and 14.3¡¾5.2m1/sec) and average
flow(6.4¡¾2.6, 7.1)3.0 and 8.3¡¾3.4m1/sec) were increased significantly with increasing
age(p<0.05). In a same voided volume the peak and average flow rates were not
increased significantly with increasing age but, in a same age group they were
significantly increased according to the volume voided (p<0.05). Peak and average flow
rates in the circumcision group(13.7¡¾6.7, 8.3¡¾4.7m1/sec) was not significantly different
from non-circumcision group(10.9¡¾5.0, 16.1¡¾3.0ml/sec).
Conclusions: These uroflow rate nomograms will be useful for the assessment of
voiding action related to the voided volume and age in Korean pediatric males. (Korean
J Urol 1998; 39: 480¡­4)


Uroflow rates; Peak flow; Average flow; Voided volume; Age;

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