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Purpose : The widespread use of intracorporeal prostaglandin E1 (PGE
1) injection for the treatment of erectile dysfunction has focused interest
on the physiological functions of prostanoids with the mechanism of action. We
investigated in vivo feline penile erectile and contractile responses to prostanoids.
Materials and Methods : Under the general anesthesia, 26 mature male cats were
conditioned normoxia and hypoventilated hypoxia with ventilator in room air(PH: 7.14¡¾
0.47, PO2: 25.52¡¾5.89mmHg, PCO2: 74.27¡¾10.86mmHg). Vasoactive
substances were infused via internal pudendal artery and the changes of intracavernous
pressure to vasoactive substances were monitored with physiograph under normoxia and
hypoxia with acidosis.
Results : Under normoxia, PGE1 induced dose-dependent cavernous
relaxation and PGE1 was more potent than papaverine but less than
acetylcholine. PGE1- induced cavernous relaxation was blocked by the
K+-channel blockers, tetraethylammonium(TEA) and 4-aminopyridine, in
dose-dependent manner but was completely reversed by the K+-channel
opener, pinacidil. Calcium ionophore, ionomycin(10-3M/0.2ml) prevented the
cavernous relaxation by PGE1 under hypoxia(n=6, p<0.01).
PGI2 showed minimal cavernous relaxation with tumescence.
Thromboxane A2(TXA2) attenuated the acetylcholine-induced
Conclusions : This study showed that PGE2 relax feline cavernous
smooth muscle. But the mechanism of PGE2 on feline cavernosum should
be elucidated by the receptor binding study. These results suggest that
PGE2 induced smooth muscle relaxation by the opening of
Maxi-K+ (Kca) channel and subsequent hyperpolarization. It
would be followed by a reduced opening of voltage-dependent
Ca2+-channel and subsequent decrease of intracellular
(Korean J Urol 1998; 39: 513¡­8)


Prostanoids; Penile erection; Cat;

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