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À§¾Ï¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ ¾Ç¼º ¿ä°ü Æó»ö Malignant Ureteral Obstruction secondary to Stomach Cancer

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Purpose : Metastasis from primary malignancies anywhere in the body can spread to
the retroperitoneum and lead to ureteral obstruction. We evaluated the correlation
between pathologic stages of stomach cancer and ureteral obstruction, and their urologic
Materials and Methods : Ten patients who had ureteral obstructions caused by
stomach cancer were retrospectively analysed. Medical records associated with stomach
cancer, urologic symptoms and signs, and methods of urinary diversion were reviewed.
Results : Pathologic stages of stomach cancer(UICC & AJC classification) at the time
of primary surgery were stage ¥² in 1 and ¥³ in 8 patients. Mean time inteval between
the diagnosis of stomach cancer and subsequent ureteral obstruction was 26.6
months(range: 2months-10years) and ureteral obstruction of 6 patients(60.0%) was
discovered within 2 years. Urologic symptoms and signs were gross or microscopic
hematuria(50.0%), elevated Cr(40.0%) and flank pain(40.0%). Nine out of 10 patients had
one of these findings. Ureteral involvements were bilateral in 7(70.0%) and unilateral in
3 patients(30.0%). Sites of ureteral obstruction were upper ureter in 5 and midureter in 5
patients. 14 out of 17 obstructed kidneys were managed by double-J stent(7 kidneys) or
percutaneous nephrostomy(7 kidneys).
Conclusions : We believe that we should take into account the possibility of ureteral
obstruction by direct invasion or lymph node metastasis in patients who had advanced
stomach cancer. If such patients show hematuria, uremia or flank pain, secondary
ureteral obstruction should be suspected. And malignant ureteral obstruction should be
detected and managed as early as possible to preserve renal function. (Korean J Urol
1998; 39: 519¡­23)


Ureteral obstruction; Stomach cancer;

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