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ÀüÀ̼º Àü¸³¼±¾Ï¿¡¼­ bcl-2 À¯ÀüÀÚÀÇ ¹ßÇö ¾ç»ó Expression Pattern of bel-2 Protooncogene in Metastatic Prostate Cancer

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Purpose : Metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma can be controlled by androgen ablation
through the active process of programmed cell death in androgen responsive cells.
However, about 20-30% of patients have no clinical response to androgen withdrawal.
Because of the importance of apoptosis in effecting tumor control, factors involved in
this process may be helpful in predicting androgen insensitivity. So, we evaluated the
significance of bcl-2 protooncogene expression pattern with therapeutic response of
prostatic cancer
Materials and Methods : We examined the cellular expression of bel-2 protein using
immunohistochemical stain in tumor samples from 40 patients with metastatic prostatic
cancer(stage D) and determined whether expression of blc-2 protein has related to the
therapeutic response of prostatic cancer.
Results : The hormonal status of the patient's tumor was determined by the clinical
response to therapy. Androgen independent cancer was defined as that subset of patients
who experienced no initial response to androgen ablation, or who experienced disease
relapse following an initial response to androgen ablation. So, we found that androgen
dependent prostatic cancer was 22 patients and androgen independent prostatic cancer
was 18 patients. The positive staining for bcl-2 was 27.3%(6/22) and 83.3%(15/18) in
androgen dependent and independent prostatic cancer, respectively. It was significant
Conclusions : These results suggest that bcl-2 expression is associated with androgen
independent prostatic cancer and used one of the factors to predict which patient with
prostatic cancer will respond to androgen ablation.(Korean J Urol 1998; 39: 585¡­8)


Prostatic cancer; bcl-2;

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