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½Åº´µéÀÇ ¼ºÇൿ Á¶»ç¿¡¼­ ³ªÅ¸³­ ¼ºÀû È°µ¿¼º Sexual Activity on the Survey of Sexual Behavior among Military Soldiers

´ëÇѺñ´¢±â°úÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 39±Ç 6È£ p.593 ~ 596
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Purpose : For the survey of sexual behavior and activity in single male population, we
examined the experience of masturbation, sexual intercourse and present sexual partner
among military soldiers.
Materials and Methods : 830 military soldiers reported on sexual activity
questionnaires and were taken physical examinations for evaluation of external genitalia.
Results : The group who experienced sexual intercourse was 562(67.7%) and the other
group who have not experienced was 268(32.3%). Among the former group, first
subgroup who experienced first sexual intercourse with their lover was 452(80.4%) and
second subgroup who experienced first sexual intercourse with prostitutes was
110(19.6%). The percentage of men who reported that they had experienced masturbation
was 98.1%(815/830). Masturbation frequency was 2.6 times per month in the group
without experience of sexual intercourse. That of first subgroup was 3.5 times, and the
second subgroup was 3.0 times per month. Those who experienced sexually transmitted
disease were 40, which was 4.8% of those who experienced sexual intercourse.
Conclusions : More than two thirds of adolescents experiences sexual intercourse and
5% experiences sexually transmitted disease at the end of adolescence, which reflects
they are sexually active. We find out that the experience of masturbation is more in the
military soldiers group than other groups reported and the reported frequency is
significantly different among the groups with or without experience of sexual
intercourse. Because any deviation or wrong concept in sexuality may cause many social
and medical problems such as sexually transmitted disease or harmful genitalial lesions
in our country, the sound sexual education should be the ground of our improvement of
sexual concept. (Korean J Urol 1998; 39: 593¡­6)


Sexual activity; Military soldiers;

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