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¸¶¼âÁ¶Á÷¿¡¼­ XO È°¼ºµµ ¹× Çü ÀüȯÀ², GSH, MDA ÇÔ·®À» ÃøÁ¤ÇÏ°í, ¶ÇÇÑ iron chelatorÀÎ
deferoxamineÀÌ ½Å ÇãÇ÷/Àç°ü·ù¿¡ ÀÇÇØ ¹ß»ýµÇ´Â OFR¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâÀ» ¾Ë¾Æº¸±â À§ÇÏ¿©
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Purpose : It has been suggested in our previous study that the serum level of
xanthine oxidise(XO) activity, glutathione(GSH), malonyldialdehyde(MDA) could be used
as marker of oxidant stress in association with renal ischemia/reperfusion(I/R) injury.
The present study was undertaken to establish the early marker of renal 1/R injury and
to investigate the effect of deferoxamine on renal 1/R injury.
Materials and Methods : In Sprague-Dawley rats(male, 200-250gm, n=60), bilateral
renal arteries were clamped for 60mins after pretreatment with deferoxamine(group A)
or saline(group B). After 30min of bilateral renal recirculation, left nephrectomy and
blood sampling in inferior vena cava were performed for in-vitro spectrophotometric
study. Control animals(group C) did not undergo I/R operation. In-vivo renal function
studies were performed in both group A and B with measurement of creatinine
clearance rate(Ccr) at 7th day of experiments a%or renal ischmia for 60min.
Results: The levels of XO activity and XO type conversion ratio in renal tissue (RT)
and serum(5) were measured. These levels were significantly high in group B, but were
lower in group A compared to those of control group. The values of GSH(¥ìM/g
tissue), a scavenger of OFR, were decreased in group A (RT:0.183¡¾0.019,5:0.201¡¾0.029)
and greatly decreased in group B(RT:0.159¡¾0.009,5:0.164¡¾0.022) compared to control
group(RT:0.201¡¾0.006,5:0.224¡¾0.031). The values of MDA(nM/g tissue), a stable end
product of lipid peroxidation, were increased in group A(RT:0.149¡¾0.003, 5:0.058¡¾0.004)
compared to control group(RT:0.128¡¾0.013, 5;0.055¡¾0.005), but the values were
significantly lower in group A compared to group B(RT:0.171¡¾0.005, 5:0.070¡¾0.003).
Subsequent investigation was focused on the established renal function study after 1/R,
which was determined using Ccr(ml/min). The Ccr in group A(2.06¡¾0.03) was
significantly higher compared to that of group 8(1.48¡¾0.18), although it was slightly
lower than in control group(2.18¡¾0.05).
Conclusions : From these results, it is suggested that renal I/R injury is highly
correlated with the production of OFR. The levels of GSH and MDA in renal tissue and
serum seem to be probable markers of oxidant stress in association with renal I/R
injury. Furthermore, deferoxamine could reduce the degree of renal damage resulting
from ameliorating the production of OFR following renal I/R injury. (Korean J Urol
1998; 39: 615¡­21)


Renal ischemia/reperfusion injury; Deferoxamine; Renal function;

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