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Bax´Ü¹é Àº Á¾¾çÀ¯ÀüÀÚ·Î ¾Ë·ÁÁø bcl-2´Ü¹é±ºÀÇ Çϳª·Î p53¿¡ ÀÇÇÏ¿© À¯µµµÇ¾î ¼¼Æ÷ÀÇ
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Purpose : Bax promotes apoptosis and is up-regulated by p53, which is not required
for androgen ablation-induced apoptosis of the prostatic cells. We investigated the
change of lax during the involution of the rat prostate following castration.
Materials and Methods : Adult male rats were castrated and the ventral prostatic
glands were removed daily for a week following castration. Western blot and
immunohistochemical analysis of lax protein were performed using anti-bax rabbit
polyclonal IgG.
Results : The prostatic weight decreased and the apoptotic cells began to appear 2
days following castration. Western blot analysis showed that lax was absent in the
control prostate but began to increase 4 days following castration. Immunohistochemical
analysis showed that bars was confined to the cells which had morphological
characteristics of the late stage of programmed cell death.
Conclusions : Present results suggest that bars might be involved in the late stage of
castration-induced apoptosis of the rat prostatic cells.
(Korean J Urol 1998; 39: 622¡­6)


Bax; Prostate; Apoptosis; Castration; Rat;

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