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Àü¸³¼±Æ¯ÀÌÇ׿ø(prostatic specific antigen, PSA)Àº 1971³â Haraµî¿¡ ÀÇÇÏ¿© Á¤Àå¾×¿¡¼­
óÀ½ ¹ß°ßµÈ ´ç ´Ü¹éÁú·Î½á 1979³â Wangµîa¿¡ ÀÇÇØ ºÐ¸® ¸í¸íµÇ¾ú´Ù. PSA´Â Àü¸³¼±»óÇǼ¼
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ÃøÁ¤Çϸç Àü¸³¼±¿°°ú Àü¸³¼±Åë¿¡¼­ Àü¸³¼±Æ²ÀÌÇ× ¿ø¹Ðµµ(PSA density; PSAD)ÀÇ º¯È­¸¦ °ü
Purpose : We evaluated the effect of prostatitis on prostatic-specific antigen(PSA) in
79 patients aged under 45 years old complained symptoms of prostatism.
Materials and Methods : The patients were divided into 2 groups: 61 patients who
were diagnosed with prostatitis(group P) and 18 patients with prostatodynia and a
history of prostatitis(group PD). As a control(group N) the PSA data obtained in the
serial screening program of primary health clinic of 3,992 men under 45 years old were
used. PSA was measured by Enzyme Immuno-Assay (AxSYM kit, Abbott Co.) and
Tandem-R techniques. Prostate size was measured by the ellipsoidal method using the
transrectal ultrasonogram (SonoAce 5000, Medison, Korea).
Results : Mean age was 37 years old for both control and patients(Group p,36; Group
PD, 39; Group N, 37). Average serum PSA level(ng/ml) was 2.00(Group p, 1.99; Group
PD, 2.05; Group N, 0.97). When PSA level was correlated with different age groups
(20's; 30's; 40-45), PSA levels were 1.04, 0.96, and 0.96ng/m1 for group N and 1.77,
2.00, and 2.17ng/m1 for groups P & PD, which was significantly higher than group
N(p<0.05). The numbers of patients with PSA above 4.0ng/ml were more frequently
seen in group P & PD than N(group P & PD 11%, group N 0.88%). The average
prostatic volume was 20.9cc (Group p,20.2; Group PD,23.3). The prostatic volume was
significantly larger in Group PO but no significant correlations were noted between PSA
and PSAD and between PSA and EPS WBC count. There were 19 patients in the first
decade,30 in the second decade and 40 between 41-45 years and the average PSA levels
were 1.77, 2.00, and 2.17ng/m1, respectively. Average prostate volumes were 18.6, 19.9,
and 23.4cc, and the average PSAD 0.10, 0.10, 0.09, respectively; no significant correlation
was seen in any of the measurements between the three age groups. Conclusions: These
findings indicate that serum PSA level can be elevated in prostatitis and careful
consideration be made when PSA is used as a tumor marker. (Korean J Urol 1998; 39:


PSA; Prostatitis;

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