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Purpose : The main objective in management of neuropathic bladder is the
preservation of renal function because the renal deterioration is the most serious problem
of neuropathic bladder. We investigated risk factors for renal dysfunction in neuropathic
Materials and Methods : A total 75 patients of neuropathic bladder with voiding
dysfunction was evaluated by urodynamic study and we analyzed the risk factors
associated with upper urinary tract deterioration.
Results : High risk factor In developing renal dysfunction in cerebrovascular accident
was high detrusor pressure, however in cases of spinal cord injury, detrusor external
sphincter dyssynergia, high detrusor pressure and low compliance were risk factors of
upper tract deterioration.
Conclusions : In management of neuropathic bladder, the abnormalities of individual
lesion-specific urodynamic parameters(detrusor sphincter dyssynergia, low compliance,
high detrusor pressure) should be factored into the assessment of upper urinary tract
(Korean J Urol 1998; 39: 666¡­70)


Neuropathic bladder; Urodynamic study; High risk factor;

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