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Purpose : This study was designed to determine the diagnostic availability of
transperineal ultrasongraphy compared with chain cystourethrography for patients with
stress urinary incontinence.
Materials and Methods : Twenty-seven outpatient women with stress urinary
incontinence, who underwent both transperineal ultrasonography and chain
cystourethrography for the last ten months, participated in this study. The mean age
was 47 years(range 37 to 66 years). The posterior urethrovesical angle(PUVA) at lest
and during strain, and both an increment of PUVA and bladder neck descent during
strain were measured in the two methods, respectively. Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs
Signed-Ranks test was used for the comparative analysis of the results.
Results : The mean of PUVAS at rest and during strain were 118.9¡£ and 142.3¡£,
respectively, and the mean of the increment of PUVAS during strain was 23.5¡£in
transperineal ultrasonography. The mean of PUVAS at rest and during strain were 130.7
¡£ and 158,0¡£, respectively, and the mean of the increment of PUVAS during strain
was 27.3 in chain cystourethrography. There were statistically significant differences in
PUVAS, but no significant differences in the increment of PUVAS during strain
between the two methods. During strain condition, the mean descent of bladder neck
was 11.8mm in transperineal ultrasonography and 13.7mm in chain cystourethrography,
and there were no significant differences between the two methods.
Conclusions : Compared with chain cystourethrography, the transperineal
ultrasonography made no significant differences in the diagnosis of stress urinary
incontinence using both the increment of PUVAS and the bladder neck descent caused
by the increase of abdominal pressure during strain. In addition, the transperineal
ultrasonography is considered to be replaceable for chain cystourethrography, as that is
noninvasive, devoid of risks of irradiation, and removes the noticeable discomfort or
embarrassment for the patient in the diagnosis of stress urinary incontinence. (Korean J
Urol 1998; 39: 084¡­8)


Stress incontinence; Transperineal ultrasonography; Chain cystourethrcgraphy;

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