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ÀÚ°¡ÁøÇÇÁö¹æÀ̽ļúÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ À½°æÈ®´ë¼ºÇü¼ú Augrnentatien Penoplastf with Autogenous Dermal Fat Graft

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Purpose : Augmentation penoplasty with autogenous dermal fat graft was determined
to be able to perform for increasing the volume of penis.
Materials and Methods : Augmentation penoplasty with autogerlous dermal fat graft was
performed on thirteen cases with micropenis or short penis due to concomittent
urogenital conditions from Mar 1995 to Dec. 1996, and followed up their clinical courses,
Results : Postoperative penile girth was significantly increased comparing to penile
length after 3-20 months(mean 12.6 months) of follow-up(p<0.05). Complications were
seen in 7 patients(53.8%), which consisted of 1 skin necrosis as a serious complication,
and 3 penile asymmetries, 2 penile edema and 1 painful nocturnal erection as a transient
mild complication. Overall satisfaction was inquired on about two-third of all patients.
Conclusions : Augmentation penoplasty with autogenous dermal fat graft may be
helpful to enhance the penile girth if it is performed with expert surgical skill, but this
procedure should be undertaken with full and frank medical approach including patient
selection and postoperative reassurance.
(Korean J Urol 1998; 39: 694¡­7)


Penis; Dermal fat graft; Augmentation penoplasty;

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