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Purpose : Many operative procedures in pediatric urology can be performed by
laparoscopy. We report our experiences with laparoscopic nephrectomy and
heminephrectomy and evaluate its usefulness in pediatric patients.
Materials and Methods : Between August 1996 and December 1997, a total of 10
children aged between 2 and 9 years underwent laparoscopic renal surgeries in Seoul
National University Hospital. The laparoscopic nephrectomy (including
nephroureterectomy) was performed in 8 patients(4 multicystic kidneys, 2 dysplastic
kidneys associated with ectopic ureter, 2 nonfunctioning kidneys associated with
vesicoureteral reflux), and heminephrectomy was done in the other 2 patients(duplex
Results : All laparoscopic nephrectomies were completed as planned. Operative time
ranged 120 to 300 minutes(mean 180 minutes) and there were no intraoperative or
postoperative complications. Oral intake and mobilization were started from postoperative
one day and the patients had hospitalized for an average 3.6 days. Laparoscopic
heminephrectomy in one patient was performed successfully. Total operative time
recorded 240 minutes and there were no intraoperative or postoperative complications.
But the other patient experienced bleeding from the injured upper pole artery and
subsequent conversion to an open surgery was needed.
Conclusions : Laparoscopic nephrectomy in children is feasible as its morbidity and
complication rate are low. Laparoscopic heminephrectomy is thonght to be a technically
demanding procedure, requiring more experience.
(Korean J Urol 1598; 39: 698¡­703)


Laparoscopy; Nephrectomy; Heminephrectomy; Children;

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