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Purpose : We observed the ratio of collagen type III to type I by biochemical analysis
in the adult rat bladder with chronic partial bladder outlet obstruction.
Materials and Methods : Female adult(20-wk-old, 200-250gm) Sprague-Dawley rats
were divided into 3 groups: control group. 6-wk obstruction group, and
12-wk-obstruction group(n=7 in each group), Collagen samples, extracted from the
whole bladders by pepsin digestion followed by salt precipitation, were analysed by
SDS-PAGE on 5% or 8% polyacrylamide slab gels with in situ reduction or
pre-reduction. Collagen polypeptides were wisualized by Coomassie blue staining and
quantitated with a scanning densitometer. Collagen types were confirmed y Western
Results : The ratio of collagen type III to type I increased gradually alona the
obstructed period and the highest value was found in 12-wk-obstruction group(sontrol
0.29¡¾0.023, 6-wk-obstruction 0.332¡¾0.026, and 12-wk-obstruction0.395¡¾0.047, mean¡¾
standard error). This change was statistically significant in the 12-wk-obstruction group
compared to that of control. (p<0.05; by Wilcoxon signed rank test)
Conclusions : Increasing type III collagen compared to type I collagen is a unique
feature in the obstructed bladder. (Korean J Urol 1998;39: 723¡­8)


Rat; Bladder outlet obstruction; Collgen type;

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