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Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of collagen and
the effect of insulin therapy on the collagen of the corpus cavernosum in diabetes
Materials and Methods : Twenty seven rats were included for this study and divided
into control, diabetic and insulin treated diabetic group. DM was induced by intravenous
injection of streptozotocin 65mg/kg and NPH insulin (initially 4IU/d for 3 days and then
6IU/d) was administered for 4 weeks for insulin treatment. After 4 weeks of experiment,
the collagen concentration was evaluated with hydroxyproline quantitative analysis and
collagen distribution within the corpus cavernosum. Collagen(type I, III and IV) was
obsened with Masson-trichrome and immunohistochemical staining.
Results :
1. Body weights of control, diabetic group and insulin treated diabetic group were 315.0
¡¾14.2gm, 230.8¡¾15.2gm and 310.1¡¾15.4gm, respectively, at 4 weeks of experiment.
Control and insulin treated diabetic group progressively increased in body
weight(p<0.05), while diabetic group decreased in body weight.
2 Collagen concentration of control, diabetic and insulin treated diabetic group expressed
465.2¡¾24¥ìg, 590.3¡¾43.7¥ìg and 567.1¡¾34.8¥ìg, respectively. Collagen concentration in
corpus cavemosum significantly increased in diabetic and insulin treated diabetic group
compared with control group(p<0.05). No significant difference was noted between
diabetic and insulin treated diabetic group.
3. Immunohistochemical staining revealed collagen types I and III were distributed
evenly in the corporal interstitial tissue, but type IV collagen was noted along the
basement membrane of the cavernosal sinusoid in the both control and experimental
groups. Collagen type 1 of diabetic and insulin treated diabetic group, as compared with
control group, was noted thin staining in the corporeal tissue. There were no significant
differences in collagen type 111 among control, diabetic and insulin treated diabetic
groups. Collagen type IV of diabetic and insulin treated diabetic group, as compared
with control group, was noted dense staining in the basement membrane of the
cavernosal sinusoidal space. And the intensity for collagen type IV was not significantly
different between diabetic and insulin treated diabetic group.
4. Masson-trichrome staining showed no significant differences among control, diabetic
and insulin treated diabetic groups.
Conclusions : These results suggest that the DM changes quantitatively the collagen
type IV of corpus cavernosum and the insulin treatment had no effect on the collagen
alteration in DM. (Korean J Urol 1998; 39: 737¡­43)


Corpus cavernosum; Diabetes mellitus; Collagen; Insulin;

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