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Purpose : Previous studies concerning the ischemic priapism revealed that hypoxia
alter the erectile and contractile responses of penis. But the effects of accompaning
acidosis on the trabecular smooth muscle contractility have not been fully evaluated or
understood yet. We performed this study to elucidate the role of acidosis on the
trabecular smooth muscle contractility like in ischemic priapism.
Materials and Methods : Under the general anesthesia, 55 mature male cats were
conditioned to systemic metabolic acidosis by hypoventilation with animal ventilator. The
changes of intracavernous pressure to erectics(acetylcholine, L-arginine,
PGE1), erectolytics(epinephrine, TXA2),
K+-channel-related drugs (pinacidil, 4-aminopyridine, TEA, glibenclamide)
and calcium ionophore were monitored at Set 1 (PO2>60mmHg, pH>7.25),
Set 2(PO2 <30mmHg,7.25>pH>7.0), Set 3(PO2<30mmHg,
pH<7.0), and Set 4(PO2>60mmHg, pH<7.0) in vivo.
Results : At Set 1 and Set 2, the acetylcholine or PGE1-induced
relaxations were suppressed by epinephrine, TXA2 or ionomycin(n=9,
p<0.01). The contractility was in order of epinephrine, TXA2 and
ionomycin. Cavernous relaxations to acetylcholine or PGE1 were reduced
by acidosis(n=8, p<0.01). TXA2 or ionomycin did not produced contraction
even with higher concentration but epinephrine maintained contractility with higher
concentration at acidosis (n=7, p<0.05). Acidosis-induced relaxation was not prevented
by 4-aminopyridine, TEA, or glibenclamide(n=6, p<0.05). Pinacidil did not induced
relaxation at acidosis(n=6, p<0.01).
Conclusions : Acidosis impairs the contractile response of cavernous smooth muscle to
submaximal stimulation with erectolytics. It may be the results of the interference
by(H+) with the intra and extracellular mechanisms that regulate the
homeostasis of(Ca2+). Conclusively, acidosis is another limiting factor of
trabecular smooth muscle contractility like in ischemic priapism.
(Korean J Urol 1998; 39: 744¡­50)


Acidosis; Trabecular smooth muscle contractility;

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