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Purpose : Although various attempts have been made and employed to restore normal
testosterone levels in hypogonadal patients, it is still to be improved to achieve efficient
hormone delivery. Recently a non-scrotal transdermal delivery system, Androderm
patch, has been developed and proven to be of high efficacy and safety. We
performed this study to examine the efficacy and safety of Androderm patch in Korean
Materials and Methods : A total of 26 hypogonadal men who met the inclusion and
exclusion criteria enrolled this study Subjects who had been treated with intramuscular
administration of tetosterone had a 6-week washout period. After baseline evaluations,
placebo patch was administered for 4 weeks and reexamined. Then patients received
therapy over a 24-week period and were evaluated at 4-week intervals. The following
efficacy parameters were evaluated at various time points during the study; serum
concentrations of testosterone, bioavailable testosterone and estradiol, nocturnal penile
tumescence test using Rigiscan, sexual function questionnaires, and hypogonadism
symptoms. Also evaluated were safety parameters including skin tolerability, laboratory
parameters, prostate evaluation and adverse events.
Results : Fifteen patients were completed the study and included for data analysis.
Most cause of drop-out cases(7/8) was local skin irritability. Testosterone level was
increased from the pretreatment level of 91.5¡¾83.3ng/dl to 503.1¡¾177.6ng/dl during
treatment. Bioavailable testosterone level was also increased significantly during
treatment. Compared to baseline evaluations, significant improvements were shown in
Rigiscan parameters(RAU & TAU values), sexual function scores and hypogonadism
symptoms. No changes were found in safety parameters. However, it was also shown
that a majority of patients(79.2%) experienced skin irritability with varying degree of
Conclusions : In conclusion, non-scrotal testosterone transdermal delivery system can
produce physiologic serum androgen levels, improve objective and subjective sexual
functions and reduce hypogonadal symptoms without any serious adverse reactions.
However, it is suggested that the frequent skin irritability remains to be overcome for
further improvement. (Korean J Urol 1998; 39: 798¡­807)


Male hypogonadism; Androgen replacement; Androderm patch;

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