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Á¤ÀÚ ¿îµ¿¼º¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Nitric Oxide¿Í PeroxynitriteÀÇ È¿°ú Effects of Nitric Oxide and Peroxynitrite Peroxynitrite on Sperm Motility and Viability

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nitric oxide(NO)´Â nitric oxide synthase(NOS)ÀÇ Ã˸ÅÀÛ¿ë¿¡ ÀÇÇÏ¿© L-arginine
guanidine groupÀÇ terminal nitrogenÀÌ »êÈ­µÉ ¶§ cirtrulline°ú µ¿·®À¸·Î Çü¼ºµÇ¾îÁö´Â À¯¸®
±â ºÐÀڷμ­, »ýü¿¡¼­ ¹ß»ýÇØ ½±°Ô ºÐÇصǴ °¡½º¼º ¹°ÁúÀÌ´Ù. NOÀÇ ±â´ÉÀº Ç÷°ü³»ÇǼ¼Æ÷
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superoxide À½ÀÌ¿Â(O2 )ÀÌ Æ÷À¯·ù¿¡¼­ ¼¼Æ÷³» »ê¼Ò¼Ò¸ðÀÇ °á
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¹ß»ýµÇ´Â °­·ÂÇÑ »êÈ­¼º ¹°ÁúÀÇ À½ÀÌ¿ÂÀÎ Peroxynitrite(ONOO-)µµ ´ë½Ä¼¼Æ÷
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nitroprusside(SNP)¸¦ ó¸®ÇÑ ´ÙÀ½ Á¤ÀÚ ¿îµ¿¼º ¹× »ýÁ¸¼º¿¡ ¾î¶°ÇÑ ¿ªÇÒÀ» ÇÏ´ÂÁö¸¦ ¾Ë¾Æ
º¸°í ±× ±âÀü¿¡ PeroxynitriteÀÇ °ü·Ã¼º°ú ¿ªÇÒÀ» ¾Ë¾Æº¸°íÀÚ º» ¿¬±¸¸¦ ¼öÇàÇÏ¿´´Ù.
Purpose: Recently, in assisted reproductive technologies(ART) programs theme Is an
increasing Interest in the use of agents for the enhancement of sperm motility for
assisted fertilization. In an attempt to improve the motility at the cryopreserved human
semen and hence the fertilizing capacity of asthenospermic semen samples, different
semen preparation techniques have been attempted and the effects of chemical stimulants
as nitric oxide(NO) have been studied extensively.
Superoxide anions cause lipid peroxidative damage to cell membrane phospholipids, and
sperm are known to be particularly susceptible to lipid peroxidation. Such sperm with
damaged membranes are impaired functionally. Recently, peroxynitrite, an anion and a
potent oxidant, generated by the interaction of nitric oxide and superoxide anions has
been demonstrated In macrophages and other cellular systems. Also this anion cause
lipid peroxidative damage to cell membrane phospholiplds. We therefore Investigated
whether NO and peroxynitrite have the roles to modulate sperm motility and to affect
Its viability.
Materials and Methods: Normal human semen samples(as per World health
Organization (WHO) criteria) were obtained after 3day period of abstinence by donors.
The samples(n=5) were incubated with either sodium nitroprusside(SNP; 0.1, 05, 1 or
2mM) or peroxynitrite (10, 50 or 100¥ìM) and the percent viability and motility were
assessed at various time inteval up to 4hr. The human semen samples were treated
with N-acetyl-L-cystein(NAC;10mM), SNP (0.5mM), phorbol myristate acetate(PMA;
100nM), of SNF plus PMA. Both superoxide and peroxynitrite release were measured
directly by chemiluminometer. Percent viability and motility were assessed at 4hr of
Incubation. A sample of each aliquot was placed in a Mauler chamber for
videomicrography Percent motility were analyzed by using the sperm analysis imaging
system. The sperm vlability was assessed by flow cytometer using LIVE/DEAD sperm
viability kIt. The production of superoxide and peroxynitrite were measured by the
method of chemiluminescence assay.
Result : All results represent a mean¡¾SEM, n=5. Treatment of human semen
samples for 4hr with SNP, a NO generating agent, significantly decreased sperm
motility and viability in high concentration ¡²relative motility(% of control); 38¡¾4 and
30¡¾5, relative viability; 42¡¾4 and 30¡¾3 by 1 and 2mM of SNP]. In the presence of low
concentration SNP(0.5mM), the sperm viability was not significantly affected(82¡¾3),
whereas the sperm motility was affected(64 2). SNP(0.5mM) also decreased sperm
motility(80¡¾2 at 2hr 64¡¾3 at 4hr, 44¡¾3 at 6hr, and 38¡¾4 at 8hr) in a time dependent
manner. Since it was demonstrated that superoxide anions are one of the common
source of lipid peroxidation, we investigated whether superoxide anions produced by
human semens could Interact wlth NO to generate peroxynitrite. Adding
N-acetyl-L-cystein(NAC) to the human semen samples partially blocked spontaneous
release of superoxide, whereas PMA augmented the release of superoxide from human
semen samples (control:0.9 106 0.3, NAC: 0.5 106¡¾0.4, and
PMA: 2.5 106¡¾0.4photons/60min). The production of superoxide was
corresponded with the production of peroxynltrite(control: 1.0 104CPM,
SNP: 3.8 106CPM, SNP plus PMA. 12¡¿106CPM). In
addition, SNP in combination with PMA(65¡¾3) markedly decreased sperm motility than
that of SNP alone(77¡¾2.5) at 4hr, implying that nitric oxide might inhibit sperm motility
via the formation of peroxynitrite In human semen samples. Exogenous peroxynitrite
also decreased sperm motility in a dose dependent manner(10¥ìM: 64¡¾2, 50rM: 53¡¾3,
and 1 0¥ìM of peroxynitrite: 23 4).
Conclusions: These results suggest that NO inhibits sperm motility via the formation
of peroxynltrite and further demonstrate that NO-induced inhibition of sperm motility is
depended on the production of superoxide from human semens because peroxynitrite is
generated by the interaction of NO and superoxide.


Sperm motility and viability; Nitric oxide; Superoxide anions; Peroxynitrite;

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